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The Work

From the outset the images created by Phil Purdy- Ewing have not been intended as any sort of pained comment on human frailty, or the injustices of society, or obscure expressions of the ‘inner man’ - and certainly have no political messages or comment.

The works are designed to be pleasing images, exploring the chemical reactions of different paint and non-paint substances through colour expression, texture and shape relationships.

The mediums used are generally household paint, cleaning substances, industrial coatings and finishers, and normally applied to plywood, laminated chipboard, MDF or blockboard.


All the items displayed on this website are original and unique in so far as there is only one of each item in existence. Purchases, from this site, will be by individual negotiation with Phil directly  and will cover the item sale price, packaging and delivery costs to the be buyer’s chosen location along with an estimated lead-time. A cost indication would be £250 through to £3000.

© 2023 by Phillip Purdy-Ewing

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